The only person less qualified to be Illinois Attorney General, IMHO, than Lisa Madigan would be Chase Ingersoll.
Yes, she was elected but have no doubt, if her Daddy wasn't head of the Illinois Democrat Party Machine she would have never gotten the post. Lisa Madigan was a lawyer for all of five minutes (okay, something like six years or so) before she became our Attorney General. Yes, Chase, there is hope for you too.
Baby Girl Lisa thinks that
donating to charity is an appropriate punishment for committing crime. After Hurricane Katrina, a few gas stations in our State had the gall to charge over three bucks a gallon for their product. Over 2,000 residents complained. Madigan's office investigated. Apparently she wasn't eager to prosecute because the Stations did nothing legally wrong, or she actually thinks that having each station hand over a thousand bucks to the American Red Cross is a deterrent to keep the greedy bastards from behaving badly next time. Huh. If memory serves (and it might not), Huck's was accused of price gouging after 9/11. I wonder, since these penalties were paid in form donations instead of fines, weren't they tax deductible? Yup. I'm sure the greedy bastards learned a painful lesson, thanks to you Lisa. I bet you and our dorkwad governor get along great.
Hey, Lisa! Fair is fair. If I ever face prosecution for "annoying" someone anonymously on the internet, which is never my intent BTW, I demand the same heavy handed treatment. I hereby agree to donate six cents to elect anyone else to the Office of Illinois Attorney General.