I was going to quit my job. It was going to be a beautiful, wonderful thing. Angels wept tears of joy at the thought. I was going to be free. Well, for a while at least. I figured I had enough funds to remain unemployed for at least a year, if need be. My next job would be the RIGHT job, damn it. I would not take a job working for a selfish,evil dorkwad ever again...
HA!When women make plans, God giggles. Evil Dorkwad Boss beat me to it and QUIT yesterday. Crap. Crap. Crap. Now I can't quit without seriously messing up the lives of several innocent employees/by-standards. Now I have to do Evil Dorkwad's job -not that he was particularly productive- and mine as well. No watching Soap Operas all day. No blogging/writing my fictional-nonfiction Oprah novel from bed in P.J.'s and eating bon bons all day. Must still put on scratchy suits and sensible pumps. And Pantyhose. I HATE pantyhose. Crap. Crap. Crap. Yes, I know other people are starving in the world, and there are many who would love to be gainfully employed... I'm just not one of them.
Yes, I'll get over it and on with it.
Just not TODAY.
Crap. Crap. Crap.
I will refrain from blogging until I have something mildly unselfish, mildly amusing, or mildly productive to contribute. Okay, at least I can stop behaving like a spoiled brat and a mature adult. Blech. Gag. Puke.
Crap. Crap. Crap.