Because I can't come close to
this. The newbies haven't been around long enough be judged, but I like most members of the Peoria City Council. I do believe we are in better hands than we were Ran$burg Era.
There are some issues that could be handled, should be handled, and we were promised that they would be handled. We still have the stupid, unfair, garbage tax. Do businesses pay the garbage tax? Nope. Do they reap the benefits? Yep. Remember, the garbage fee has nothing to do with Waste Management, or, for that matter, garbage. It is a bogus fee/double tax (check out your property tax bill - you already pay a garbage fee) devised to fill holes in the City's budget. Many campaigned on the unfairness of this issue, but none have done anything to get rid of it.
Station 11 is a dead horse beaten beyond death. Or it would be, if it wasn't a life or death issue. Frankly, I'm sick of harping about it. Anyone should be able to see that taking vital rescue equipment out of service and disbursing the paltry few pieces left throughout the City is just
stupid. When the disaster occurs we have only ourselves (and our elected officials) to blame. Grownups know that blame never brings anyone back from the dead.
Hey, Caterpillar! How is that Peoria Museum employee matching campaign coming along? Take the hint. Your employees don't give a rat's ass about a museum praising Big Yellow, the Illinois River, or the 1974 Manual High Debate Team. You want a visitor's center? Well, shut up, dip into some of your record profits, and build one already. Stop trying to present your very profitable corporation as a worthwhile charity. No one is biting.
Blah, blah, blah. There's more, but only the Anti-Pundit (aka Emtromics) still has his humor intact. Hat tip.