If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Friday, June 10

Leitch's Biggest Campaign Contribuitor

And the winner is....

Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois (A.B.D. I. PAC)
P. O. Box 396
Springfield, IL 62705
Transfer In
$2,000.00 on 3/5/2004

Source: Illinois Campaign Disclosure

Chump change Bill Dennis? I don't think so.


Billy Dennis said...

Actually, as far as state legislative campaigns go, it is. Sorry.

It might buy you a ticket to the victory celebration, and maybe a meeting to discuss your issue, but it ain't gonna buy you (or a member of your trade organization) a seat on the city council.

pollypeoria said...

Sorry. It isn't. This isn't the Mayor's race, where Ran$burg will empty his personal savings account to play king for four years.

His last campaign cost Leitch and his contributors $36,000. Most were comprised of individual donations of $500.

$2,000 may or may not get you a council seat. However, being a state rep's biggest financial contributor would most likely light a fire under one's ass to get legislation and amendment passed and signed.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

Anonymous said...

Thats $2000 in direct money... does not count soft money. Jacob's can drive much more than just $2000 in donations. Consider also, he is a potential repeat donor too. Even if I could donate a $1000, could I do it twice? Thrice? $2000 is just the tip of the money pile.

pollypeoria said...

Yup. You can donate again and again. There is a cap. However, donations are itemized and reported to the State Board of Elections and are public record. You want real entertainment, look at Shadid's statements. The guy invests (well, I might add) his contributions in CDs and waits until they mature. Also, Shadid uses contributions to make contributions to OTHER candidates, for example, Manning. Leitch used contributions to donate to Ransburg's campaign. The fun never ends with these guys!

Billy Dennis said...

Polly said: "Leitch used contributions to donate to *Ransburg's* campaign. The fun never ends with these guys!"

So how is it that Leitch is so hot to do ARDIS (Ransburg's election foe) a favor? Or perhaps your theory is that Ardis is doing Leitch a favor by putting Jcob on the council. If so, why, considering Leitch was donating to Ransburg. Please explain to me how a donation from a beer distributor PAC to Leitch is evidence of corruption on Ardis' part. And while a $2,000 donation to a city council campaign might be a lot, it is CHUMP change to a STATE LEGISLATOR. A $2,000 donation will cat legislation signed. So, I could save a hundred bucks a week, and half a year later have legislation passed declaring that Peoria Pundit is the official state blog, or some such? Geeze, Polly. These guys ARE for sale, but they aren't for sale THAT cheap.

pollypeoria said...

$36,000 for a STATE race Bill. Therefore, $2,000 is not "chump change."

I think corruption is strong word, but the point is that everyone donates to everyone in this club, buying time, attention and favor that your average citizen could never get. Ardis was suppose to go out of his way to change that.

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