If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Wednesday, June 8

New Generation of Leadership = New Generation of Lies

I was no fan of Ran$burg, but even he didn't piss me off this early in the game. Already I'm feeling a bit duped by Ardi$. (First hint: The guy is entirely too tan.) How has the man lied? Let me count the ways...

Election night Ardi$ said, "I have no one in mind for the open at large seat."

What he really meant: "I have my buddies Shadid (who endorsed Manning)and Rep. Leitch working hard to overturn the law in order to get Jacob appointed to the council."

Ardi$ told the JPStar, "Anyone interested in the seat should submit a resume and letter to the mayors' office."

What he really meant: "Poor suckers. I have my buddies Shadid and Leitch working to overturn the law and get an amendment so that I can appoint Jacob to the council."

Upon learning that 18 candidates had applied for the position, Ardi$ told the WEEK T.V., "I think that the cream will rise to the top."

What he really meant: "I know the foam will rise to the top."

Ardi$ said, "I will be speaking with all the candidates this week."

What he really meant: "Poor, stupid Bastards. They actually think they have a chance."

Ardi$ said: "I wanted the new law so that the council would have the opportunity to consider all 18 candidates."

What he really meant: "Bow to me. I am all powerful. I greased the wheels of Springfield so that I could appoint Jacob to the council."

Look for more lies as the decision becomes official. Watch. It will be something to the effect of, "The Council was most comfortable with Jacob because of his strong business experience and his devotion (i.e., checks written) to the community."

What he really means: "Hee. Hee. I don't have to fund raise in four years!!! My campaign is paid for!!! My contacts in Springfield are secure! I am the master and commander of Peoria!!!"

Polly predicts the vote on Jacob will be 9 to 1 with Sandberg the only dissenter. (The more the things change the more they stay the same.)

It is possible, because Council Wanna-Be Angela Anderson endorsed Manning in the last election, that the vote will be 8 to 2, but highly unlikely. George Shadid also supported overturning the liquor license law and Shadid endorsed Manning. Being the heavyweight, there is no way that Manning is going to snub Shadid. Someone stick a fork in Anderson. By now she's gotta be done. Although vastly unqualified for office, you gotta feel a bit bad for her.

To re-cap: Ardis said one thing to the public, "Everyone will be considered." But was actually pulling strings with big wigs in secret. Hmmm.... who does THAT sound like?


Anonymous said...

Fact, Link not Shadid was behind the bill. the only mention of why the bill was needed was a reference to a kane county person, not peoria. Fact, shadid and leitch collaberate after the Zeller/ICC fight. Fact, Leitch picked up the bill only after it was mentioned to him by a peoria area lobbyist who had not talked to jacob, ardis or anyone else from Peoria. Fact, your conspiracy theory is unfounded.

pollypeoria said...

Fact: Shadid voted for the bill.

Fact: Shadid endorsed Manning and Leitch in the last election.

Fact: Brewers Distributing and Associated Beer Distributers have both made large donations to Leitch's previous campaigns.

Fact: Leitch co-sponsored the bill/amendment to have the new law take effect immediately.

Fact: A lobbyist alerted Leitch he needed to get on the ball if Jacob was to have a chance to be appointed.

Fact: Leitch admitted the whole thing to the Journal Star.

Fact: Ardis waited to make an appointment until the bill and amendment was passed and signed, something he failed to mention to other poor slobs applying for the seat.

Fact: It was a conspiracy, it is not a conspiracy theory.

pollypeoria said...

Sorry. I meant to type:

Fact: Shadid endorsed both Manning and Ardis (not Leitch) in the last election.

Anonymous said...

well polly, fact, I always use an umbrella when it rains, fact, I used an umbrella yesterday, fact, I caused it to rain....... The great thing about conspiracys is that the lack of real proof IS the proof of the existence of the conspiracy or else why would the evidence by hidden? Good grief!

pollypeoria said...


Yes, I suppose you are correct. A minimal amount of credit should be given to all involved for doing a crappy job of keeping their deceptions hidden.

Anonymous said...

Not many blogs on serious subjects get me to chuckle. Yours did. Thanks.

Billy Dennis said...

No kidding, Cal. I'm finding Polly's recent posts quite amusing, too.


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