If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Monday, July 11

Run, Ray, Run!

Lahood may have caught on. He probably won't win the gov's seat. I think the Republican party would be wise to go with Judy Bar Topinka. Topinka was the only Republican left standing after Gov. George Ryan was revealed to be a corrupt bucket of slime.

Nonetheless, I was really, really, REALLY praying that Ray would run. Lets play musical chairs.

Yes, it would be lovely to get Kevin Lyons out of his current job as State's Attorney. I agree with Bill Dennis on this one. Lyons is a wimp who won't prosecute any case that he isn't assured of winning. Sucks for those of us who live near crack houses. Everyone seems to know WHERE the crack houses are in Peoria, yet Lyons doesn't feel he can PROVE where they are. Good prosecutors have to take risks, not hide behind a misleading win/loss record. (Bless 3rd District Councilman Bob Manning for saying this out loud.)

It would be nice to see Patrick Nichting get Leitch's seat. State Rep. Leitch wants LaHood's current seat. It would be sad to lose a essential services council member, but I can't imagine the 5th District would elect anyone who wasn't a basic services candidate. He is a bit too conservative for my taste, but Nichting represents the wishes of tax fearing North Peoria and Tazwell County well. Nichting would have an excellent chance of winning.

Even better than relieving Lyons and Leitch of their duties would be the non stop fun of a John Morris run for LaHood's current seat. Morris probably wouldn't be able to retain his current City Council post in the next City election, but watching him grandstand for Congress would be hilarious. Apparently, Morris has decided to go after a bigger audience who doesn't know him like we do. Sadly this has worked for other politicians, but I don't think Morris can pull it off. Although he recites the rhetoric of his party and carries the Chamber of Commerce's water whenever possible, Morris is all fluff and no substance. Still, it would be an entertaining way to boot kick him off the Council.

Run, Ray. Run!


Anonymous said...

I agree with your general sentiments about merriment, however, nichting may not play well in the 2/3 of the district which is not within the city of Peoria, including the 40% which is in Woodford and Marshall (sorry, not Tazewell). The homefolks outside the city may not find Dr. No (except to the $34k worth of developer' campaign cash) so appealing. Didn't I read that Elsasser and Jones were also interested in Leitch's seat? no love for them? And please add in the enthralling debate potention between Morris and Leitch....quality entertainment.

Billy Dennis said...

Question? Who do you vote for in a primary race between Mr. Morris and Mr. Leitch? Tough call. I'm not happy with Leitch's handling of the Zeller Center/ICC North affair. Morris was a member of Dave Ransburg's "progressive" wing. But I've chatted with Morris quite a bit and he seems like a nice guy, and I agres with some of his ideas. I dunno.

Anonymous said...

Two words describe John Morris:

Eddie Haskell

pollypeoria said...

OH MY GAWD!!! Bill Dennis still has an open mind where Morris is concerned? Good God Man! What are you smoking at those Council meetings? Of course he seems like a nice guy, he's a POLITICIAN. That's his job. No one is more in bed with Ransburg "progressives" (hey! lets call them "pros" for short) and the Chamber than Morris. Look up political whore/hack in Websters, Morris has a pop up picture. He fancies himself a dandy of the Republican party, but even they consider him a joke. Remember, Mr. Basic Service/Libertarian/Dennis, that this is the same ass who said, "The City needs to have discipline and cut Fire Station 11." Morris also ran his campaign on the improving the schools (a school board seat won't lead to congress - neither does City Council, but apparently John missed that memo) and hasn't mentioned the schools since winning. Now that Thetford is toast, Morris is the least prepared council member, who fancies himself a genius. This is a local boy who thought he'd go far, didn't, ran for city office, hoping to get farther. Morris is about Morris, his resume, his titles, (Vice President of marketing at a local PBS station? Who made that up? Who is president of marketing?) John is not about improving Peoria. He hungers for the lime light, he craves D.C. He is the little boy who couldn't.

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