If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Thursday, January 12

Does Anyone Else See the Similarities?

I am going to post about more important things. Well, not more important perhaps, but I am going to have a little vent/rage/hissy fit about our dorkwad governor's idea to fund education. Gambling! Keno! Available to play every fifteen minutes or so. Says the Gov, "It's very similar to bingo, which is being played in church halls across the country." Jeeze, Blago, why not just shove a needle of heroin up the arms of innocent citizens and then roll them for their cash?

Anyway, I have been working too hard and simply can not string any worthwhile commentary together right now. Maybe tomorrow. For now, I'm concentrating on finishing one last main project, and only because I am legally obligated, and then I'm going to quit my frickin' job. Why? Because Polly's boss is an evil dorkwad. No, I don't work for the Governor. I figure Bill won't mind a little more competition standing in the unemployment line. Besides, after I give my notice I won't have to be anonymous anymore! Some of you are going to be so disappointed as to just how much of a nobody I am. Seriously, all thirteen of you are going to be saying, "Polly Who?"

Anyhoo, Bill thought he had some worthy competition for Grace Kelly. Not. Ingrid Bergman played a nun in "The Bells of St. Mary's" for a reason, Dude. Besides, I think Grace and Scarlett have a lot in common.

Ofcourse, Princess Grace would have never posed like this:Sigh. Thank God for progress, eh?


Anonymous said...

Polly: At least once a week, someone asks me who you are. Youa re more popular than just 13 readers.

Floyd said...

And since you put Grace Kelly on your website, I'm telling all my friends about you.

pollypeoria said...


I'd be willing to wager it is the same person/jedi warrior who inquires weekly as to my identity. Boy, is he going to be disappointed.

Billy Dennis said...

Actually, it's not Chase. And it's not just ONE person.

pollypeoria said...

Gosh Chase, I'm not sure the sale of thirteen - okay - fifteen tickets my "coming out" party would pay for a toilet brush. Besides, I was wanting to save the Grandview for a really special occasion, like National Highway Safety Day. Besides, it wouldn't be a party without you Chase, you nutball.

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