If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Tuesday, January 3

Should you ever get to be a contestant on The Price is Right....

My niece is sick. Nothing too serious, just a miserable cold and sore throat. My sister claims her boss is more of a jerk than mine. I very much doubt that, but since she was afraid to call in absent after the slew of holiday vacation time we all "enjoyed" (extended family and fish smell after three days) I volunteered to take care of the tyke and "work" from home.

Enter daytime television. I have a fantasy. No, this one does not include Scarlett Johansson, Bill Dennis, or Russell Crowe. My fantasy is to get on the game show "The Price is Right." I watch The Price Is Right about twice a year, when time off from work or illness allows. I'm telling you, I would kick serious butt on this show. Every time I watch and state my guesses, I AM ALWAYS RIGHT. Today I would have won two cars, a hot tub, and both showcases. I don't know how the show's producers always succeed in picking the six most uninformed consumers every episode, but they do. Seriously, I don't think most of these people have ever set foot in a grocery store, a shopping mall, and they most certainly have never been in a car dealership. The only person who has a valid excuse for guessing that a can of Pringles costs $6.89 would be someone just off the boat from Bangladesh.

Anyway, should any of you out there in bloggerland ever get the chance to stand in front of Bob Barker please know this: The price of every car ends in 9. Why do so many contestants miss this one? Haven't they ever seen or heard a car commercial? They always conclude with some verbiage like, "At Toykiaona's Year End Price Blow Out, you can get a 2005 Camvic Spoilage at the low, low, low price of $19,999! Price does not include tax, title, or license. Dealer's price may vary."

Keep this tip under your vest until the next time you are CBS studios in L.A. Please tell Bob Barker I said "Hi!" Did you know Bob is like, eighty something years old and grew up on an indian reservation? I know, cool.

Hey, Bob, just so you know, all my pets are spayed and neutered. Thank you.


JasonS said...

"'Barker' and 'Tarleton' don't sound like Indian names to me...."

Yeah, but neither does Wayne Newton.

I agree with your point, though. It's like saying I'm a hillbilly just because my parents grew up in the hollars of Kentu...well, okay, bad example.

pollypeoria said...

Thanks guys, I stand corrected. I had heard that Barker was a full blooded Cherokee Indian on a morning radio program when Barker appeared in an Adam Sandler film. It was one of those call-in quizzes, and the question was something like, "What famous animal rights activist is also a full blooded Cherokee Indian?" The D.J. said Bob Barker was the correct answer. Go figure. Must have gotten his information from the net or sumthin'. After checking Google, I can only confirm that Barker grew up on a reservation because his mother taught school there. Thanks for putting me in my place C.J.

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