If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Monday, October 16

A Thank You Note to Aaron Schock and Bill Spears

Okay, the black clouds over my head seem to be lifting and parting. A little. I'm starting to feel some relief from my latest massive depressive episode. Imagine that!!! It didn't require a hospital stay or violence of any kind. Well, there was some yelling. My Significant Other is still trembling under the bed. Babe, I swear, you can come out now. It's safe for the next twenty eight days. Promise.

I have Aaron Schock and Billy Spears to thank. The entertainment that has surrounded their campaigns has been fantastic. Downing a bottle or two of Prozac followed by a chaser of Ativan would not have brought the instant relief that these two have given me. Polly just loves a heated race.

I've kept my opinions to myself on this race because I am torn. I've met and like Bill and Aaron. Both fall into the category of Decent and Productive Politician- quite rare these days. Spears has been a gentle force on the City Council. Everyone seems to like and respect him. When one can say that both Sandberg and Nichting respect you and want to hear what you have to say... Well, that's leadership! I don't think Bill's plan to bring Ceasefire to Peoria is revolutionary. A solid campaign tactic to be sure, but this latest program aimed at ending crime and gun violence doesn't seem to differ from the many other programs that already exist and have failed to combat the problem. Along with every other cynical voter, I ask, "Bill, why now?" You have served as a City Councilman for forever and crime has always plagued Peoria. Now that you are attempting to reach for bigger and better things, well, Springfield anyway, it just dawns on you to bring this progressive program our way?! Er, thanks. I was a bit surprised when Bill opted to chase a State Rep seat shortly after he received the City Council of his dreams. He hand picked his brother-in-law, George (who admittedly is doing a fine job) to fill the open At Large seat after his best buddy, Ardis, was elected mayor. Is it just me, or does Barbara seem to have a teeny weeny little crush on Bill? I know. Me too. Manning seems to have found a solid mentor in Bill as well. Obviously, everyone knows Bill has Ardis' ear. All okay by me. All involved are intelligent, humble, well meaning beings. Clearly Spears is a good leader. Yet every wet Spring we hear about flooding in his District, and he claims to be hard at work to combat it. Yet, he voted for a Budget which neglected to fund the long needed, critical repairs necessary avoid sewage from overflowing into rec rooms of homes in the fourth distict. Aaron, his Fire Station 11 vote is good ammo as well. He claims to be in the "Basic, Essential Services First" camp, but when push comes to shove- he voted to partially shutter the Station. Looking for more? Well, Bill does flip flop a bit. He went back and forth on whether or not to buy the over priced water company. Had he not decided to run for your State Rep seat, I think he would have voted to buy the damn thing.

Aaron, I told you to go for Shadid's seat! Your humbleness prevented you from a sure win. Don't get me wrong, I like Ernie and all. Nice guy. However, jumping into the race after Blair jumped out automatically put Russell way behind. Nonetheless, the latest ad from Bill's camp accusing you of going easy on child murderers is asinine. I wouldn't worry much about it. No one wants to live next to a murderer, regardless of who they killed. That much is obvious. Have you introduced legislation forbidding Uncle Sam from placing a nuclear missile silo next to a pre-school? No? You bum! Legislation in other parts of the land which forbids convicted child molesters from living anywhere near children -not just within a few hundred feet of a school- has been proven not to make the public any safer. It has, however, proven to suck up the man hours and the inflate the cost of police protection. I would wager most child killers, who -don't misunderstand me- are scum through and through, are caretakers (i.e., drunk, high, and stupid boyfriends) who couldn't endure the cries of an infant interrupting their football game/meth induced high, not sickos who are just looking for an opportunity to kill children. Besides, as recent events in Amish Country have proven, where one lives does little to prevent the slaughter of innocent kids. My question is why a convicted child killer could be living next to anyone except the guy in the next prision cell, but that's an entirely different post.

I think Bill's attacks on your School Board service will serve as more potent ammo. I don't hold you accountable for the evil doings of Kay. Moreover, I think you should only be held responsible for the balance sheets you were given. You were one of the first to cry "Foul!" when District 150's finances were revealed to be in a sorry state. And we have you, in large part, to thank for the ouster of Rouster. Moreover, every piece of legislation you introduced last year was passed, and that says a lot for a newly minted State Representative. If Bill chooses to focus on your School Board service, it proves that he can't find anything worthwhile to attack regarding your fine stint as a State Rep. I was especially impressed by your bill giving No Bush Left Behind the fine tuning it so desparately needed. Thanks to you, schools will no longer have to give an eight year old student, one who suffers from severe mental retardation, the same exact test as an eight year old gifted prodigy, and report their scores in the same category- penalizing good schools, teachers, and kids for events and conditions beyond their control or ability to repair and/or improve.

You work hard, as does Bill, and I just want to thank and encourage you both to keep up the fantastic campaign. Aaron, I didn't think that it could get any better than your hard fought campaign again Ricca. Seems like that delicious victory was just yesterday.

Schock and Spears have kept those greedy pharmaceutical companies from getting any more of Polly's anti-depressant dime, and I really appreciate it. I'd vote for both of you if I could, but Polly doesn't live in Chicago.

Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

Aaron is a decent guy, personable, and all... BUT, my question remains WHAT has he REALLY done for his district? All of these bills that apply to the entire state might trickle down at some point... but WHAT projects did he help start and complete for his district?

My understanding is that it's not much. He's making a decent name for himself in a general context, but in a specific context (FOR the district), where's the beef?

I'm voting for Spears... I think he's more likely do what's best for the district, and THEN the state, as opposed to the state and for Aaron.

Randall said...

You could have saved all that typing by saying; "Vote for Schock"

PeoriaIllinoisan said...

Emtronics, that's one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time!

Anonymous said...

I believe Bill Spears was one of five votes against the shuttering of Station 11 or "restaffing for truck company". Spears, Ardis, Grayeb, Nichting, and Sandberg.

Anonymous said...

Y'know, that would have been a heckuva lot funnier if it made any sense!

Anonymous said...

Living in the areas affected by the flooding, I'd like to ask Prego man what Bill has done to my specific area on one of the most important issues to us? If not stormwater, then why has Bill waited so long to bring Cease fire to Peoria? Assuming it is the answer to our crime problems and not JUST a political stunt. Can't tell you specific dollars and projects Schock has brought to the district, but I can think of one big one the Spears hasn't! Rain rain go away, and bring us Schock for another day.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that a CITY problem, and not just a SPEARS problem? What about the At-Large Councilpeople? Depending on where you're at, and how bad the flooding is there, I'm sure you've had studies out the kazoo about it, but again, did it just start when Spears was elected to the board? Could it have been a Jim Maloof problem, too? Maybe even Bud Grieves dropped the ball. I wouldn't go just blaming Bill Spears when a whole host of others likely could have addressed the problems a looooong time ago...

Besides, you're comparing apples to oranges. Schock is the ONLY representative we have from the 92nd district. He's the ONLY one we can count on for what he's supposed to be delivering. His name is out there on 13 semi-fashionable bills that, for the most part, don't mean a great deal to the district.

I'll ask again... WHAT has Schock done that deserves being re-elected? Other than he's a personable guy and a good speaker... WHERE'S THE BEEF, eh?

pollypeoria said...


You are correct, originally Bill did vote against shuttering Fire Station 11. However, Spears did vote for the budget after the Fire Chief was forced to put something, ANYTHING on the chopping block (the partial shuttering of the station and not closing it entirely). Spears did a brillant remodeling of the problem. When forced, the Chief chose to mothball equipment a few from different fire houses. Others on the Council had different ideas for spreading the pain that the Chief considered woefully irresponsible. The whole Station 11 issue took on a new light, do we do what City Council believes would be least damaging for the public safety/city budget or what the Fire Chief believes would be in the least damaging to public safety and the Fire Department. Spears at that time stated that "We should let the Fire Chief be the Fire Chief." Sort of a distraction from the real issue, don't you think? You have not voted for any budget that included Station 11 cuts, Gary, but others did after the Chief made his "cuts."

Prego, flooding is worst in Spears' district and he has had ample time to make some sort of progress on it. The theoretical revenue from buying the water company (which Polly adamantly opposed) was suggested as a funding solution to the flood problem. Have no doubt, money is at the root of Peoria's storm drainage problem- the system is very old, in sorry condition, and will take buttloads of money to repair. Spears was all for buying the water company... until Shadid announced his retirement, that is.

Prego, keep in mind that Schock is a STATE rep, Spears is a CITY rep. Shouldn't Spears be held more accountable for the problems in his smaller district for which he has been an elected official of for MUCH, MUCH, MUCH longer than Spears?

The problems that Schock is asked to address (the No Child Left Behind testing problem, for instance) should apply to the entire state, in part because City officials like Councilmembers have no power to address them. Schock has done quite a bit for his district. His main priority is to keep our as much of his distict's tax money here, and not have it all go to Chicago -as Blago would prefer- and he has done a decent job of it.

In return, I ask you, what has Spears accomplished in his present role to justify a bigger, theoretically more powerful office? Bill is a personable guy and all, and a good/humble speaker... but WHERE'S THE ITALIAN SAUSAGE, Prego?!

Spears is a solid leader, but so is Aaron. I don't think Schock has done anything to justify his being fired, quite the contrary.

Moreover, I believe Peoria is better served by having Spears on the Council.

If you listen to his speeches, I get the feeling that Spears is running because he is persuing a long held personal desire/dream to be a state representative, but not because he has specific goals he wishes to achieve or problems he wants to solve for the 92nd in Springfield. Which, to me, is the only real difference between the two candidates. And, yeah, now that I think about it... Polly's deciding factor.

Anonymous said...

Polly, you say that Aaron has done a "decent" job of keeping the tax money here... I'm going to ask again... please give me an example, just one will do for now... give me a project he worked on, using state tax dollars, that BENEFITED HIS DISTRICT. You know, a project... such as ANYTHING that BENEFITED HIS DISTRICT.

If the office was just to represent the STATE, then we wouldn't need districts. Everyone would be AT-LARGE. Well, they ain't. Again, I beg of you, anyone... WHAT in those 13 bills BENEFITED the 92nd DISTRICT directly? Please please please tell me... thank you.

I'll have my Italian Sausage with red peppers, please.

pollypeoria said...

Red peppers, YUM!!! Onions cooked and smothered in red sauce too, please.

Okay, Prego, what benefited the 92nd directly? In theory, just about any legislation Aaron or any state rep proposes should benefit the entire state otherwise said Bills would never pass.

So, HB3503 designed to better combat meth crime, benefits those living around or near meth labs or addicts in the 92nd District (and the rest of the State).

HB2421, the TANF program with provides temporary assistance for needy families by providing educational assistance to those looking to get off the dole and become providers for their families and taxpayers directly supports poor single mothers in the 92nd District (and the rest of the State).

The School Employee Benefit Act provides a voluntary prescription program for school employees in the 92nd District (and the rest of the State).

HB 2515 allowing for a broader acceptance of course credits for those students transfering from various State educational instutions benefits said students in the 92nd District (and the rest of the State).

HB 705 on Medical Malpractice sought to reduce the cost of healthcare for those in need of it in the 92nd District (and the rest of the State).

Schock can't go to Springfield and introduce legislation that would solely benefit his district, i.e., more funding for just District 150 for instance. It would have to be more funding for downstate schools (he has tried, btw, blame Blago and Madigan).

Saavy, Prego? Now, please pass the bread, and you got a little sauce on your chin...


Anonymous said...

Teenagers say:

More laws will not make for a safer society. If you don't want to obey the law taking away guns from law abiding citizens will not help either. CTR = Choose the Right --however --- you need to know what 'right' is --- if you have unfortunately lived a life where the adults aka role models around you are abusers to you, others, of substances, guns, violence --- that may be your 'right' so you are only acting out what is your 'normal'. It is an inside out process --- children have to be taught what is right by those who really know what right is....

Anonymous said...

Dearest Polly: Remember, I said a "project." Maybe I'm all confused about what he can or cannot do in "bringing home the bacon." My understanding was that a Representative could guide the powers that be into introducing a bill for something specific HERE. Something that is CONCRETE and REAL. Am I mixed up? Okay... that was a leading question. Someone enlighten me... and that's not sauce on my chin... that's a nick from shaving this morning...

Randall said...

So....Vote for Schock then?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... let me think about that one for a moment, Emtronics... nope, DON'T vote for Schock.

pollypeoria said...

Emtronics, Truth said, and it is VERY rare when one can honestly say this when politics are involved, both Aaron and Bill Spears are good, honest men with a strong work ethic. Each will serve to the best of his ability, and neither are apt for a scandal.

The question, IMHO, is whether or not Schock deserves to lose his job. No way. He has worked hard and diligently, he responds to constitutents in a timely manner. Much of his legislation is constituent requested.

C.J.- Schock, Shadid, and Leitch most certainly DID push for funding for new school construction for 150 and were just about laughed out of Springfield. The Chicago contingent got their new schools under Gov. Ryan and are not apt to take money from the budget to help the mid and/or downstate. As we know from experience, Gov. Chicagovich couldn't give a rats ass about District 150 or any other public school downwind from Chicago.

Ah, Prego, I get you now. Yes, a Rep could grease the powers that be to get some specific pork HERE as you say, but Aaron seats on the wrong side of the aisle for that to happen. The powers that be are Democrats- Blago, Madigan, and that party controls The House. It is a miracle that Schock has gotten as much done as he has, and a tribute to his humble and likeable personality, as a newbie Republican Rep who took over a seat long held by the Democrats.

Your point is well taken, Prego. The mere fact that Spears is a Democrat may make it easier for him to be able to get some money to fly our way... for a change. Frankly, that obvious point hadn't dawned on Polly. A little slow these days, eh? I obviously need to increase my caffenine uptake. Please pass the silo of coffee. Oh, and I'm sorry about your boo-boo. I'm blowing you a kiss to make it better.



Randall said...

Hmmm, er...Vote for Spears then?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back; I've missed you! At the risk of introducing inconsequential matters to the substantive points that you and your readers have made, I must tell you that I have no "crush" on Councilman Spears. Rather, I would put myself in the category of Councilman Manning--admiring of his down-to-earth, quiet leadership. I do, however, like men who really adore their wives--and Spears has one of the best!

Here's to hoping that you keep writing,

Anonymous said...

I don't believe this from the Journal Star:


This is the school board of Schock?

What an incredible scam!

Bend over Illinois taxpayers, here come the District 150 plunderers!

pollypeoria said...

Barbara, Okay... we are ALL crushing on Manning. Effective, humble and cute to boot! What more could you ask for? The only problem is the hot wife and cute kids. Darn! It's always sumthin, isn't it? ;) I intend the term "crushing" in the lightest way- I could write "admires", or "looks up to," but "crushing" is simply more fun.

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