Monday's Word on the Street column reported that Gary Sandberg is not speaking to the Journal Star these days because of an article written shortly before the election that criticized his appearance. If true, I got to say, I'm shocked. Since when does Gary care about his appearance, what people think of it, and especially what the Journal Star thinks about Gary, or his appearance or, for that matter, what the Journal Star -especially the editorial staff- thinks about anything?! This is Sandberg after all, a man who once told me he doesn't have any mirrors in his house. This is Sandberg, who can count on both the JP Star not endorsing him and the voters overwhelming voting him in first.
Gary is a bachelor. To me, he strikes me as the type who really doesn't give a rats ass about appearance because there are far more interesting things in the world (Harleys!) to think about and issues to address (Crime, Fire Station 11, taxes, recycling) than which side his hair should be parted on, or the alpha hydroxy content of his facial moisturizer. He doesn't have a wife pleading that he not go out in public without a shave, wearing plaid with polka dots, or with spinach in his teeth. Say what you will about him, one would not think to call Gary Sandberg vain. Thankfully, Gary is not a pretty boy politician with the poor sense to pay $400 bucks for a haircut. Now Gary would gladly allow his head to be shaved, by an ex-wife no less, in order to raise money to benefit a cancer patient, and has. Gary is a man's man. He doesn't care about his looks unless there's a special occasion that demands it. You know, a job interview, a friend's wedding, hot date, a campaign photo.
Or so I thought. How Gary's feelings could be hurt by what anyone says about his appearance, let alone the Journal Star, is dumbfounding. Now that I think about it, this isn't the first time Sandberg has refused comment to the Journal Star because it made a jab about his looks. Years ago the Journal Star ran a crummy photo of Gary in a bright orange sweater that, at first glance, looked like a jailhouse jumpsuit. Gary didn't speak to any Journal Star reporter for a loooooong time after that one.
Sandberg's sensitivity is not just odd, but also inappropriate. Part of one's job as a Councilperson is to maintain a dialect with the public, and the press is one means of doing so. In fact, the press is the primary means of doing so. By denying comment to a newspaper with the widest circulation (even if said newspaper's lack of professionalism and honesty leaves a lot to be desired) Sandberg is denying his view and thought process to many voters who hired him.
More troubling is Gary's lack of trust in the readers/voters who returned him to office- again, and again, and again. Gary, buddy, we know Mike Bailey and Company are going to make fun and unduly criticize you whenever the opportunity presents itself. We know who's corner the PJ Star is in. We know where their bread is buttered. We know where they dine, or would like to anyway- (Peoria Country Club). Frankly, we know the editorial bozos at the PJ Star can't be trusted and so we figure, in part, the less they like you and the more mean and petty they are, well, the better job you must be doing.
From the April 9th Journal Star:
You know it's election time when....
Gary Sandberg gets a haircut and dons a bow tie. We've been through a number of elections with the senior member of the Peoria City Council, and have come to note the sometimes stark differences between Campaign Gary and Regular Gary, partly evidenced in these two photos.
Both Garys are knowledgeable. Campaign Gary can be quite charming out on the stump, which history suggests has had an appeal to local voters. Unfortunately, soon as the votes are counted, he has always metamorphosed back into Regular Gary, with a tendency to be considerably less charming around the horseshoe, particularly to those who don't quite see the world his way.
We prefer Campaign Gary. Sorry, couldn't resist the comparison.
Oh yeah? Well, I like Campaign Gary, but I adore Regular Gary. The Gary who says it as he sees it without any of the excessive softening adjectives that campaigning requires. I like the Regular Humorous Gary who brought a sleeping bag to Council the night they voted on whether or not to buy the water company, knowing they might debate the issue all night. I like the Regular Gary who lined his desk with a collection of firework debris after troubling July 4th celebrations in his neighborhood. I like the considerate Regular Gary who brought the Mayor a cupcake on his birthday. I even like the Regular Gary who gets angry- really, really angry when he believes his colleagues are not acting in the citizens best interests. I like the Regular Gary who does his homework and cares about constituents.
I don't agree with everything Sandberg says, does, or how he votes. I simply realize that the world has way too many politicians who always look their absolute best while their performance is the absolute worst. How refreshing -and lucky- Peoria is to have a public servant who albeit may forget to shave, can be counted on to show up educated, informed, and well prepared to serve the public.
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