If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Sunday, June 19

Silverthorn for City Council

Why is it that no one cries "Foul!" in this town over conflicts of interest? Okay, the JP Star did, regarding Mayor Ardis' brother being the president of the Fire Fighters Union. However, since the Council doesn't negotiate the firefighters contract, it is done by binding arbitration, the conflict - if it exists at all - is a minor one.

I know I continue to whine about Jacob's numerous conflicts of interest, but other than Sandberg, I'm alone whining in the wind - but having a great time doing it.

I read the JP Star Article today regarding the Civic Center expansion. The City has taken out $63 million in municipal bonds which will be paid for by hotel, restaurant and amusement taxes. This means every time you buy a Big Mac or a movie ticket, grab your ankles, you're about to get spanked. I'm so glad my taxes will be going to fund a new clubhouse and VIP area most of us will never be able to get near. Try to sneak in sometime. You will learn that your tax dollars, not Civic Center revenues, pay for security. Security is handled by the Peoria Police Department.

The Journal Star article simply served to remind us that we are paying to further expand a butt ugly, Nazi inspired, Civic Center complete with a leaking arcade and a cramped theater. The arcade will be repaired at great expense. The theater will continue to suck.

There was one nugget of information that had previously escaped my attention.

Dan Silverthorn is the Chairman of the Civic Center Commission and the Chair of the Redevelopment Committee. Dan Silverthorn is also the paid Executive Director of the West Illinois Builders and Construction Trades Council. This means Silverthorn is the paid spokesman for all AFL-CIO builder and construction members. Surprise! Silverthorn is as giddy as a little girl that Civic Center expansion bids have been doled out to local companies, as well he should be. He is paid to sing their praises. Does anyone else see the obvious conflict of interest of Silverthorn serving on either, let alone both of these committees/commissions? Of course Silverthorn is going to recommend and push expansion. Of course he is going to push for certain union companies, not necessarily the lowest bidders. That is what the man is PAID to do. I assume that Silverthorn was appointed by Ran$burg, but Ardis should be taking a closer look at who is serving on committees and commissions. The Council is under no obligation to vote their recommendations, but they most often do.

It is rumored that Silverthorn will soon be seeking public office. He may try for a County Board seat or he may even make a run against Aaron Schock. Dan, let me be the first to attempt to sway you to make run in '07 for a City Council At-large seat. You would be the perfect addition to the fraternity well underway. Spears, fellow democrat and a plumber will welcome you with open arms and serve as your big brother. Jacob has the keg in the closet. What more could you ask for?

As the Med-Tech "District" struggles to make a move from fictional wet dream to reality, (Hey People! We have a vacant lot AND a check from Blago!!!) Dan Siverthorn would be just the guy to sway the Council to start building with money we don't have, for buildings no one really wants, built by the most expensive labor possible. So pathetic you know it will happen.



JasonS said...

Wow. That was painfully bitter. Do you have a personal reason to hate these folks so badly? Cause your vitriol goes way beyond the issues.

pollypeoria said...

Bitter? Who me? I am a bit bitter that so much of our tax dollars are wasted on things no body needs (expanded civic center) and few seem to want (med-tech district, water company buyout). I don't hate anyone, inluding those who serve on the Council or Silverthorn. (Hell, kind of admire their nerve.) I am frustrated that so few citizens seem to be either woefully unaware or resigned to the continued misdeeds of city government. If my personal style is a bit unnerving or crunchy for you, well, as the songs says, "I gotta be me!"

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