If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Sunday, June 19

That Burp You Smell is Just the Swearing In Ceremony

I've been told that CAT controls everything in Peoria, so I had to chuckle upon reading the PJ Star editorials yesterday. A letter to the editor to voice support and congratulations to City Council's soon to be newest member, George Jacob, was written by Tim Elder, Board Chairman of the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce. Elder neglected to mention that he is also Director of Corporate Public Affairs for Caterpillar.

Several candidates were not chosen probably because the Chamber recommended them. Remember, the Chamber of Commerce gave its support to Ran$burg and tons of money to both Teplitz and Thetford in the last election. The Chamber is largely viewed as supporting BIG business and developers first, not your average small business owner. It is the Peoria AREA Chamber of Commerce after all, meaning many of its most powerful can't even vote here, yet they continue to manipulate politicians to their liking. Guess who the driving force behind the $63 million dollar Civic Center expansion and especially the water company buyout? Yup. Peoria AREA Chamber of Commerce.

There is no mystery here. The Peoria AREA Chamber of Commerce is simply slapping its sleazy hand on the back of one of its own. It is perplexing as to why the City Council embraced Jacob after the Chamber turned its back on Manning, Van Auken, and Ardis in the last election. My guess is that CAT made its preference known and came up with a pick that the new council could swallow. I wonder if Elder made any calls to Leitch or Shadid on CAT's/Jacob's behalf.

All that is needed now is a strong link between Jacob and Firefighters Local 50 and every last piece of the puzzle will fall into place.

Jacob will be sworn in at the Council Meeting this Tuesday. Rather, it's pledge night at the only frat house in town suffering from a mid-life crisis: City Hall.

Golly, who will supply the keg?

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