If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Friday, February 25

Poor Loser Quote of the Week: "It's not me, it's low voter turn out."

According to Gale Thetford, many of her supporters didn't even know there was a primary. Some supporters. Guess they didn't notice her yard signs.

Ransburg blames his close race with Ardis on low voter turn out. Er, are you under the impression that Turner and Brown (ha!) supporters are going to cross to the dark side, Davey? Nah, I don't think so.

Marshmellow -er- I mean Marcella hasn't publically stated her excuse as to why VanAuken came out ahead, but you know poor voter turn out is the mantra she cries herself to sleep with at night.

I'm sure this point of view ain't popular, but I believe that if you don't know, you shouldn't go. Only those who take the time to investigate a candidate (Journal Star Editorials don't count) should vote for a candidate.

The Water Company Will Be Bought, Like it or Not

Ardis and Ransburg: Both favor buying the water company if the price is "right."

Gulley: (Ransburg's dumb, obedient puppy) favors buying the water company.

Teplitz: (Ransburg's whiney, but obedient, old dog) favors buying the water company.

VanAuken: Favors if the price is "right."

Thetford: "UM..." Favors if the price is right and/or whatever Ransburg tells her to do.

Manning: Favors if the price is "right."

Spears: Favors if the price is "right."

Allen: Spears invisible opponent, who has no shot in hell of winning: Unknown

Nichting: Opposes. No matter what.

Gillette: Nichting's near invisible opponent - a-laid-off-city-worker-who-also-has-no-shot-in-hell-of-winning: Unknown

Morris: Who will take forever and a day telling us what a wonderful idea buying the water company is, after all it is something Yo-Yo-Ma and Nazi architects (and the Chamber) would do ... Favors.

Sandberg: Hmm. Favored studying buying it, which wasn't cheap. However, pushed for the advisory referendum and made a big deal out the fact that even if the water company isn't foreign owned, it will most probably be foreign operated.... Unknown.

Grayeb: Favors

Add it up voters. None of those up for election or re-election are pledging to abide by the advisory referendum. So, unless the price is something the city can't possibly get bonds for... We've got us a water company.


Litter Abatement Not Working... Anywhere

What the hell is wrong with people in this town? Litter, litter everywhere. I know, not a sexy or interesting topic to most, but Peoria is dirty, and not in a good way.

The Southside and East Bluff have long been strewn with trash, but now drive along Northmoor Road, along Donovan Golf Course. Yes, North Peorians apparently feel no shame in throwing their crap out of their car windows either. Assuming, I guess, that some magic fairy dust will later be sprinkled and it will all disappear.

Lets go Singapore on these idiots and start flogging them. Better yet, instead of wasting money on litter abatement teams (which really reward for bad behavior), lets actually set up a sting for a few of these self absorbed scum and fine the heck out of them. (Hey City Council, a viable money making idea here...) There could be a column in The (otherwise useless) Journal Star similar to the restaurant scores they currently publish. Lets slap a picture up too. There are fines for littering in this town, pricey ones too... It would be interesting to know if anyone has actually ever had to pay one.

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