If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Tuesday, February 7

Where's the love for Betty?

Betty Friedan. I know she wasn't a funny filthy comic who used drugs or set herself on fire, but gosh, she did lead a revolution and wrote a book -several books, actually- that changed the lives of many for the better. I read the Feminine Mystique in college. I can't say that I agreed with everything she did, but what an eye opener. Does anyone know if there are there any schools or streets in Peoria named for her? How about a memorial service in her hometown? It will be interesting to see if Mayor Ardis says anything about her passing tonight at City Council. AHEM! If not, I'm pretty sure we can count on Councilwoman VanAuken.

I'd go on and on about this, but I couldn't do a better job than SnazzyBird did here.

Gotta Admit It...

Vonster has a point.

I know, it's not fair. Anyone can take a bad picture. Nonetheless, it made me laugh. Oddly, I have a lot of liberal friends. Opposites attract? Or maybe I'm not all that conservative. Anyway, it seems to me that liberals are sure pissed off a lot. Their heart might be in the right place -or not- but damn, they sure do seem angry. I would avoid being a raging liberal simply because they seem to age horribly and at very accelerated pace.

Conservatives seem to have a better time, IMHO. Maybe hoarding money helps them sleep better at night, which slows the aging process?

You know, Bill Dennis used to provide useful tidbits of information like this. In fact, I remember him soliciting funds for a fax machine solely for the purpose of receiving and then posting local press releases.

Bill has been a bit busy with moving and messing up his blog format lately, so I will help pick up the slack.

Other than the recommendation to deny Crusen's request to de-annex, tonight's Council Agenda seems to be a bit of a snoozer.

Stop Playing With Your Thingy Young Man!!!

Jeeze! It's disgusting! Bill Dennis has changed the format of his blog once again. He seems to experiment every other month or so. It is nearly as disturbing as the thought of Germans owning the water company, the Kellar Rail Line being converted to a bike path, AND giving a bunch of yahoos a TIF for an underground parking garage for a museum very few are anxious to have. The Peoria Pundit is my first and main read of the day. Imagine if the New York Times changed it's font/format once a month.

Frankly, this new format is wierder than any of the others. There's a recently showered woman wrapped in a towel posing in the top left corner. Not unattractive by any means, but when I first clicked on the site, I immediately thought it was a pop up advertisement for Dove Soap.

Bill, eye candy is dandy. Give us more. However, changing the friggin' format of your blog every time the wind changes direction is simply unprofessional.

This is the Midwest, Son. Peoria no less. We thrive on consistency, not change. We loathe change. Fear it even. Really, you are going to go blind any second now, Bill.

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