If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Wednesday, January 4

Today's pathetic episode of As The Grandview Turns

Just like most people, I am bored by the Grandview saga now. A new day, another court hearing or silly maneuver that results in, well, nothing. I guess we can accurately state the property is semi-closed now.

Former residents had a magic wand waved over them and they are now employees, working in exchange for rent. As long as no money is being made, the City probably won't object.

This is a picture of the family, from today's Journal Star now residing at the hotel:

Throwing these people out would be political suicide.

Notice anything besides the economically challenged parents, the four adorable kids, and the rotweiller puppy? I'm talking about the slow cooker in the corner. Those aren't allowed in hotels. Extended stay hotels equipped with kitchens and fire extinguishers, yes, but not your typical hotel/motel. Fire hazard. Very strict regs. Remember, this is NOT an apartment complex. Has anyone informed Ingersoll of this fact?

I recall another article in the newspaper where a woman living at the hotel defended the establishment, saying that the people living there looked out for each other and shared meals they cooked.

I'm just wondering. Could the City Legal Department been saved a lot of work and got this place shut down a long time ago just by having it inspected?

I want to know, did the last owner pay taxes, especially HRA (Hotel, Restaurant, Amusement) taxes? Incompetence in one area often signals incompetence in others. Seems to me that if the City really thought the Grandview a nuisance, City Hall should have been inspecting it from every possible angle. Inspections, crime, financial audits, etc.

I couldn't pull it up on the web, but there is another picture in the newspaper of a resident turned Grandview employee. She lives in a hotel room with her great dane, collie, one of those little yapping dogs, AND a cat. Four animals (five if the employee is included) living in one hotel room. That is disgusting! Someone call PAWS. If it isn't illegal, it should be. Does this woman really have the ability to take each animal out when then they have to "go?"

Hidden behind a dying strip mall the Grandview Hotel location is crummy, even if it is in far North Peoria. It's never going to be the Ritz. Perhaps an animal shelter would be a better use of the property.

We still await to learn which Judge will inherit the Grandview case now that Ingersoll has had himself admitted to the complaint and Barra recused himself. (Rescusal is usually automatic upon request.) I'm trying to figure out Ingersoll's angle here. Either he doesn't think Barra will side with Ingersoll regardless of the law, or he is trying to delay things again. Delay doesn't make sense, since the hotel is closed, it would seem prudent for Chase to get this back into court ASAP with the hope he can get the property opened before the sanctioned 90 days.

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