If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Wednesday, August 24

Somebody (Bill Dennis) is cranky and needs a nap!

Bill Dennis doesn't like my critique of Barbara Van Auken's speech justifying her vote to buy the water company. If I was a true intellectual/journalist I would spew a bunch of First Amendment crap Dennis' way. I could spend a lot of time and energy justifying why I'm right and he and Barbara are wrong. I could regurgitate numbers and formulas. I could remind Dennis that a lot of the folks that he likes, admires and endorsed in the last election voted against buying the water company last night. I could accuse him of being too tight with Gary Sandberg and having a huge crush on Barbara Van Auken. I could remind Bill that Barbara is a grown up, not to mention one tough cookie, and most likely doesn't give a rat's ass about my oratory critiques. Fortunately, I'm just an armchair critic/blogger and I like Bill Dennis. A lot. I also like Barbara Van Auken. A lot. I just hated her speech. A lot. So, I'm going to forgive Bill for chastising me on his Peoria Pundit Blog (still can't get the blogspot link thingy to work) and chalk up his petty comments regarding my petty comments to the fact that he stayed up very, very late last night covering the Council proceedings and is a bit testy.

Oh, and Bill,

One more thing... NAH, NAH, NAH, NAH, NAH!!! YOU LOST!!! WE WON!!! SUCKS TO BE YOU!!!

All my love, Polly

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