If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Monday, August 1

Your vote costs, er, I mean counts!

Today is the day. Expense reports must be filed with the Election Commission by the end of the day or candidates could be imprisoned, fined and/or embarrassed by the press. This is what it costs to win, lose and/or attempt to buy an election in the City of Peoria:

District One: Clyde Gulley, $7,917.02
Franklin Lewis $ 417.00
June Moore ?

District Two: Barbara Van Auken $16,947.36
Marcella Teplitz $24,864.19

District Three: Angela Anderson $11,374.25
Bob Manning $21,494.00
Gale Thetford $20,173.74

District Four: Bill Spears $2,420.81

District Five: Patrick Nichting $3,093.77 (This guy still has $34,034.37 in his war chest. Anyone really think he isn't going to run for bigger and better things?)

Mayors Race:
Jim Ardis: $ 53,824.63
Bruce Brown: $ 9,647.30
Dave Ran$burg: $237,546.48 (Somebody find this guy a worthwhile charity!)
Eric Turner: $ 11,169.99

There were four candidates other than Gulley in the First District primary but only Franklin Lewis and June Moore filed. Lewis spent $417.00, but Moore's statement isn't clear. It appears that Moore still has a couple grand left should she want to run again.

Also, D. Doc (who ran against Van Auken and Teplitz in the Second), Tremayne Allen (who ran against Bill Spears in the fourth) and Dan Gillette (who ran against Nichting in the Fifth) haven't reported anything. They may not be required to file if they didn't spend more than $500.

Gulley, Spears, and Nichting are the only winners who didn't spend more than what the job actually pays.

Teplitz and Thetford spent a fortune to lose. Turner and Brown spent some money too, but that was for the Mayor's race, and it was nothing compared to Ardis and Ran$burg. Anderson was a bit of a surprise. The newcomer spent $11,374 but still lost in the primary. Ouch. But, Jeeze, what can you say about Ran$burg? Over $230,000 spent on a failed attempt to boost his ego. Now that's gotta hurt, even for a millionaire.

I find it amusing that most of the candidates waited until the deadline to file. Ardis is wins the award for procrastination, he was the last to turn his report at 4:39 p.m. Think these guys would prefer that we not know how much money they spent or where they got it? Or, maybe they are just very, very busy. Riiight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, on being the very first to get this out there. I almost never agree with you, but confess you are always on your toes.

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