If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Saturday, September 17

Edgar relieved Blago deceived

Another day in Illinois, another politician and his cronies caught with their hands in the Teacher's Retirement Fund cookie jar. This time it is our beloved *snicker* Governor, Blago. He says he was completely clueless, he had no idea his underlings -who have already pleaded "guilty"- were doing. Even though I am a Republican*, I actually hope Blago is telling the truth because this crap is getting really old, and really embarrassing.

Illinois is the cesspool for dirty, greedy politicians. Other states have their share of political thieves, but it seems Illinois always has someone on the take. There is always an investigation, indictment, or trial underway in the land of Lincoln. We mostly have Chicago, the land of "Vote early and often!" to thank. However, the whole state pays the price.

In the meantime, if this scandal is handled properly by the ugly right, Jim Edgar can stand down. The Republican Party won't need the reluctant Edgar to run after all. Blago has become instantly beatable. Anyone remember JIM Ryan? JIM Ryan ran against Blago in the last election for Governor. JIM Ryan was Attorney General before Lisa Madigan was gifted the post. He was popular and scandal free. Why did he lose? Name confusion, for one. JIM Ryan was in no way related to GEORGE Ryan, our former scummy Governor with a trial underway, but they had the same last name. So, people assumed the worst.

Blago seized upon voter stupidity and launched a series of scummy t.v. ads trying to link JIM Ryan to the GEORGE Ryan scandal, accusing Attorney General Ryan of refusing to investigate Governor Ryan. In reality, the Governor Ryan was investigated/prosecuted at the Federal level. The State Attorney General office is, of course, out ranked by the feds.

But hey! All is fair in love and war. Look for the same half truths and out and out lies to be splashed across t.v. screens soon.

Paybacks are a bitch.

*(Kiss my fat conservative ass, Vonster. I'm a Republican with a brain.)

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