If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Tuesday, October 4

S.O.P.P. Save Our Peoria Pundit!

Okay, I was enjoying a nice vacation browning myself on the beach. I wasn't going to resume any responsibilities -or blogging- until I had attained the same lovely dark roasted espresso hue as our beloved Mayor, Jim Ardis. Hard to achieve when I still feel compelled to slather myself with SPF 4. Or baby oil. Or Crisco. But that's another completely irrelevant story.

What shocked me into dragging my lap top onto the beach is that Bill Dennis, blogger extraordinaire, of The Peoria Pundit HAS GONE OFF THE AIR. OR INTERNET. OR WHATEVER. I wouldn't know what the feck a blog was without Bill. Because of him, I still hold out hope that some day I maybe able to link properly or even post a picture. Okay, the later is reaching, I admit. Nonetheless, we must get this man some money. NOW. I am willing to contribute, but Bill, I gotta be able to do so anonymously! You can post "Polly Peoria" on your friends' list, but that Pay Pal button requires that I reveal my identity and my ass would be so FIRED if my bosses knew what I really thought of them. How about providing a snail mail address?

Some how, some way, I'm going to get this hard worker/blogger/journalist/purveyor of eye candy/disher of Peoria dirt/ some of the funds he desperately needs and is really entitled too. Most of us bloggers do this as a hobby, to vent and spew our profound and superior intellects *snicker* into cyberspace in order to keep those who love and live with us from beating us mercilessly -but deservedly- over the head with a heavy shovel. Bill Dennis is a professional, and runs a professional blog. Yeah, even with the eye candy. You ever notice how much eye candy is in the New York Times? Washington Post? Wall Street Journal?

The Peoria Pundit is NEEDED. Notice how often local politicians post on his blog? The Peoria Pundit allows us to get the real scoop, not the tainted synopsis provided by the Journal Star editorial page.

A donation to Bill falls slightly behind a donation for hurricane relief in priority. Bill is THAT good. He is that IMPORTANT.

I'm even gonna send him my beer money for the week. Now that's sacrifice.


Anonymous said...

Maybe he got offered a job by the Journal Star, by the triumverate that took him out? Would he turn it down? He does kind of need a job.

Anonymous said...

To call him "hard-working" is an injustice to those of us who do want needs to be done in the workplace.

Billy Dennis said...

"Hard-working" is a relative term. Compared to other bloggers, I'd say I spend more time and effort than most. But I love it and I'm not looking for pity. I'd do it for free.

But you are right. It's not a full-time job. And there are many journalists who work very long hours doing a hard job that a lot people in power and authority don't want them to do.

And then there are those journalists who work less hard than I do, judging by the quality and volume of their work.

Billy Dennis said...

As far as the "triumverate" goes ... I hope these young ladies aren't getting the grief from friends and anonymous hecklers that I've been getting over that post.

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