If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Monday, November 14

Bush thinks War has a bad image.

Crossing the country, holding up traffic, and giving stump speeches in an attempt to gain support for partial privatized Social Security failed miserably. What is President Bush's next brilliant move? Of course! Travel the country and give "forceful" speeches (a.k.a. hissy fits) in an attempt to gain support for the Iraq War. Riiiiiight. That will work. Damn, doesn't this guy have an advisor or two?

You want support for this War, Mr. President? Great. I'd like to give it to you.

All I need is a little proof:

I need proof that a majority of Iraqis want us there. Who are we to declare and fight their Civil War if they don't think the cause is worthwhile?

I need proof that we are making head way. I realize the Iraqis had a successful election, voted on a Constitution, and will be having more elections in December. However, too many of our guys are still dying and there seems to be no end in sight. I need to know precisely what is your definition of "Mission Accomplished?"

By the way, the term "War on Terror" is too damn broad. At this point the phrase has lost its currency and strikes as a blatant attempt to exploit 9/11.

I realize you have the liberal media working against you. I also realize that same media was happy to show Iraqi men tearing down Saddam's statute a few years back. If our victories were as dramatic as our losses, the press would be thrilled to show them. The media is liberal, but it is even more greedy. Ratings are ratings.

Want to reframe the War? Give real answers. Hissy fits won't help.


Easycure said...

All I need is a little proof:

I need proof that a majority of Iraqis want us there.

OK, here ya go:

A larger percentage of Iraqis participated in voting the last time out than Americans in the last Presidential election.

pollypeoria said...

That doesn't prove they want us there. It only proves the average Iraqi is more likely to get off their ass and vote than the average American. Nice try.

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