If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Thursday, December 15

Go ahead. Let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Might knock some sense into you.

Big surprise. Not. The Federal Judge didn't think Chase had a case either. According to this morning's Journal Star, the Grandview Hotel will close Monday unless Judge Barra thinks hotel residents have a right to be heard. Guess what, and I'm purty damn sure greater legal minds are going to agree with me on this one, THEY DON'T. This is clearly another feeble attempt to delay the impending closure, annoy City Hall, and piss off the Judge.

Chase, you have lost at EVERY turn, EVERY level, and you will continue to. Ya know why?! IMHO, from the very beginning you didn't act in good faith. You knew what you were buying. You exploited the closure for a cheap price. Now you are playing the whiny victim. Any judge can see through that. Judges tend not to appreciate those who think they are moronic. Had you played nice, the property would have only been closed for a month instead of three.

From the article in yesterday's paper it appears "the gentleman's agreement" between lawyers involved in the Grandview Hotel Psychodrama agreed to a delay in order to give enough time for the Homeless Coalition to prepare to clean up Ingersoll's mess.

It is Christmas though, and to prove I don't hate you Chase, I did some research and I found a judge who might be sympathetic.


pollypeoria said...


While some of the other legal arugments you've made have at least a kernal of sense in them, this one just doesn't. Hotel guests have no property rights. You may have property rights, but only if you are deemed the true owner of the property- something you have yet to convince a Judge.

You told the media there were other buyers out there, willing to pay more than you, but due to the impending closure, you were the lucky winner who got it cheap. So, it doesn't surprise me, nor would I find it sinister, if the City and/or neighborhood would like to find a different buyer who had the necessary funds to turn the place around sooner rather than later. No offense intended.

pollypeoria said...

I understand these are real flesh and blood human beings. I also understand the legal difference between a hotel and a rental property. Even with extended stay, hotel guests do not have the same legal rights as tenants. I just don't think any court -right or wrong- is going to allow the residents a legal foothold. The Court was generous in that it provided ample warning to the guests that they need to find another location. Legally, the Judge didn't even have to do that.

Anonymous said...

There's a difference between what a person thinks their rights are as opposed to what they really are. Especially if they are being advised by a defunked lawyer. There's a reason why you are no longer practicing Chase.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Chase, you're just like Rosa Parks except she fought injustice and you create and exploit it.

Anonymous said...

Rosa Parks? Peter Chase Ingersoll was sleeping during histroy and constitutional law.

Based on Peter's recent posts here and those on his "friend" Peoria Pundit's site, he is playing a lot of "cards". He holds all the "cards", he knows all the "cards", he's counted all the "cards", he even dealt ALL the "CARDS".

So it would cause one to wonder, a) why would anyone play with Peter? and b) why isn't he winning?

Anonymous said...

The shortened version of Richard is the name most folks associate with Chase.

I ran into a guy the other day who was working for the same landlord as Chase. He was complaining about how Chase screwed his boss on some properties, did some damage, gave the tenants bad advice intended to screw the landlord and he said Chase even continued to collect rent after he was fired and the property went to a different property manager. He said Chase let a bunch of properties get fines in housing court and he heard most of Chase's property management customers have dumped him because he was doing a bad job.

I'm sure that's all bull in Chase World where everything Chase does or says is brilliant and righteous.

Anonymous said...

Give us all a holiday gift and get on the damn plane already. Think about staying out there and helping Arnold out. They have far more interesting problems for you to deal with than we do here.

Have a safe trip and if you do stay, best of luck!
One of the many who love you less than you love yourself and much less than Bill Dennis

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