If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Friday, January 6

Cheap Tricks for Hits

Bill Dennis advised blogger PeoriaDad to:

"Use the words "kelly monaco nude pics" a couple of times. Your hit counts will rise!"

Then, on today's PeoriaPundit, Bill informs us that his blog received twice as many hits after running a post with the words Emily Stern.
Kelly Monaco nude pics? Who is Kelly Monaco? Why is Kelly Monaco nude? Who took pictures of Kelly Monaco nude? I'm not sure Kelly Monaco posing nude is such a good idea.

What's up with Emily Stern? Her Dad, Howard Stern isn't enough of a pervert for the family? Actually, I understand Emily Stern refused to do a play where she would have to appear nude. Emily Stern appearing nude? Why would Emily Stern be nude? Why would Emily Stern do such a thing? Emily Stern, don't pose for nude pics, keep your clothes on, Emily Stern. Show your father, Howard Stern, that at least one family member has a little class.

You know, the whole bloggersite hit count is kind of inflated. Yeah, I might get between 70-98 hits per day. However, if you look at how long most spent actually viewing the blog, it is less than one second. Yeah, just long enough to see there are not, in fact, any nude pictures of Emily Stern or Kelly Monaco nude pics.

To be honest, I only get about thirteen serious readers a day. Actually, probably more like ten, because a few visit more than once a day. Unemployed apparently.

Anyway, I adore all nine of you...

and Kelly Monaco - nude or not - and Emily Stern, nude or not.


PeoriaIllinoisan said...

It's Quality, not Quantity that counts.

...and size doesn't matter...

I'm speaking of counter hits of course.

Anonymous said...

"I would rather have a few actual visitors."

I'm glad to see that's working out for you then, Rob.


Edmund Yeo said...

So, did it work?

JasonS said...

Boosted the crud out of my visitors...which were next to nothing. A few of them actually stuck around and read a few things...after all, it only takes one hand to scroll down.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that image. Ew.

Anonymous said...

Who is Kelly Monaco? I can understand if there are hits being generated by "Bridget Fonda in garter belt" statements... but, again, I ask... Who is Kelly Monaco?

pollypeoria said...

Elair - Yup. It worked. Scary how well it worked. Could not have worked better if I had posted, "LIVE, NUDE, BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED."

Prego Man, I have no idea who Kelly Monaco is. I don't know why Kelly Monaco is posing nude. I don't know if the beautiful woman, Kelly Monaco, is posing nude live, and I don't know if no credit card is required to see Kelly Monaco or Emily Stern pose nude live.

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