If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Wednesday, July 20

Please Sir, can I have some more?

Tonya Alexander was apparently absent from kindergarten the day her teacher gave the "Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean you should," lecture. Tonya is whining because she received a $125 littering fine for tossing a cigarette butt out of her car window. Tonya doesn't know any other filthy, inconsiderate smokers/jackasses who have received the same penalty. Let me see if I can work up a tear for this poor, hapless victim who thinks the planet (or at least the intersection of War Memorial and Knoxville) is her personal ashtray. Nope. Notta.

According to Phil Luciano only eight littering tickets have been written by cops this year. No wonder the East Bluff is so filthy. Now this is a fine I can get behind. Hell, in Peoria this type of fine could make the City some serious money. Phil doesn't think "we want police wasting time by hunting litterers." Really? Sounds good to me. He also "doubt(s) the department is about to post mug shots of litterers on its Web page, next to prostitution aficionados." Just a web page? Can't we get a bill board too?

Some Cities pay the salaries of meter maids and traffic cops from the fines they collect. Why not hire a Litter Squad? It could pay for itself and then some. I took a road trip through Georgia last week. I didn't see any litter on the side of the highway. However, I did see plenty of signs stating "$500 Fine for Littering."

If Peoria could hail itself the "Cleanest City in the Midwest" it would do a lot to bring in new businesses and residents. Lets begin by making Tonya Alexander pay her fine, put on an orange vest, and pick up other people's roadside trash for a week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya ever been down that there Forest Park Drive? They gots a $500 fine sign there, but them goofies at them apartments down at the bottom just dumps their garbage all over anyhoo.

Whoever thought we'd done see the day when Georgians is cleaner than folks from Illinois, huh? Maybe all them inbreeding they gots down there finally paid off.

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