If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Monday, December 5

What? No Tee-Hee Hee?

This morning's Word on the Street Column lacked the hormonal gossipy tune of late, but provided a sardonic, sarcastic, cruel and cutting wit that I very much enjoyed. (Merry Christmas, BTW.)

Councilman Chuckie Grayeb had a hissy fit regarding an idea Councilman Manning had for trimming the budget - eliminating longevity pay for non union City Employees. Chuckie thought the idea was heavy handed and whined that proper notice wasn't given to the proper people regarding the idea. Mayor Ardis, in a rare display of sarcastic humor replied, "In other words, doing our jobs." Ardis' serene "We-are-the-World-We-Are-The-Children-Michael-Row-Your-Boat-Ashore-I'd-Like-to-Buy-the-World-a-Coke" attitude went out the door at last week's testy City Budget Council Meeting.

Don't worry guys, most couples fight over money. Maybe counseling would help?

At least schedule another prayer furnace.

Now boys, play nice, or I'll hafta call Santa...

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