If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Wednesday, January 18

Please Pass the Prozac, Polly is Depressed

I was going to quit my job. It was going to be a beautiful, wonderful thing. Angels wept tears of joy at the thought. I was going to be free. Well, for a while at least. I figured I had enough funds to remain unemployed for at least a year, if need be. My next job would be the RIGHT job, damn it. I would not take a job working for a selfish,evil dorkwad ever again...


When women make plans, God giggles. Evil Dorkwad Boss beat me to it and QUIT yesterday. Crap. Crap. Crap. Now I can't quit without seriously messing up the lives of several innocent employees/by-standards. Now I have to do Evil Dorkwad's job -not that he was particularly productive- and mine as well. No watching Soap Operas all day. No blogging/writing my fictional-nonfiction Oprah novel from bed in P.J.'s and eating bon bons all day. Must still put on scratchy suits and sensible pumps. And Pantyhose. I HATE pantyhose. Crap. Crap. Crap. Yes, I know other people are starving in the world, and there are many who would love to be gainfully employed... I'm just not one of them.


Yes, I'll get over it and on with it.

Just not TODAY.

Crap. Crap. Crap.

I will refrain from blogging until I have something mildly unselfish, mildly amusing, or mildly productive to contribute. Okay, at least I can stop behaving like a spoiled brat and a mature adult. Blech. Gag. Puke.

Crap. Crap. Crap.


Laura Petelle said...

Sorry, Polly. That sucks. :(

Mahkno said...

Hey maybe you will get promoted and then you can be the Evil Dorkwad Boss.

Anonymous said...

Polly, FUKITOL is not the answer. It just makes you more apathetic. Try REVENGICIN. You'll feel much better.

Anonymous said...

I don't have to wear the panty hose or sensible pumps but I feel you and I think many of us do. I'm not sure that winter doesn't make these gigs worse. I am sure of one thing though, blogging, thinking or discussing Ingersoll in any way, shape or form is detrimental to your mental health.

Try the following: Visit the Dilbert Blog at least 3 times morning and afternoon. Drink one cup of green tea with lemon and ginseng mid morning and mid afternoon. Then adopt some George Castanza methods. Be sure to have something good to read tucked in a file folder for the can't avoid but get nothing out of meetings. Act as though you are extremely busy, even when you aren't. And be visibly irritated because you are interrupted from the work you are so focused on completing.

Hang in there.

JasonS said...

They say (whoever they are) that depression is anger without enthusiasm. And blogging's a great way to lance the wound to get all the gunky, pissed-off stuff out of your system.

So buck up, little camper. Blog more, not less. We'll all still be here to read your book when you finally get around to it.

Anonymous said...

Buy yourself a $100 Arch Card... as you know, nothing solves the crises on Earth quite like an Arch Card. Good Luck. Yer pal, Prego Man

pollypeoria said...

Thanks Guys, you're very kind.

I have been "promoted" and I am now the offical Evil Dorkwad around here. To celebrate, I gave everyone the afternoon off. Decided to do it today instead of Friday since the weather is not suppose to be as good. I work for the non-profit version of Enron, so bigger title doesn't equate to much more pay. I'm hoping the new title will look better than the old one on my resume, so that one day when I leave this friggin nut hole, I will be able to garner a wage worth donning pantyhose for. Got to go shred more documents now...


P.S. Prego Man, WTF is an Arch Card?

Mahkno said...

Arch Card...http://www.mcdonalds.com/usa/shop/archcard.html

Anonymous said...

I offered to teach you how to tie a "dickie bow" and you never responded. I promise it will put a smile on your face and a hitch in your step.

Anonymous said...

Polly: You need a dedicated, hard-working right-hand-man. I humbly offer my services.

pollypeoria said...

Ah Gary, so kind. Sadly, the dress code doesn't allow dickie bow ties around here. Thanks for the offer though. (BTW, The exhale from my sigh of relief upon learning that your bow tie wasn't a clip on could be heard around the world.)

Bill, I heard you defected to both the other side of the river and the land of the employed.

pollypeoria said...

Oh, and Rob, my arch nemisis, former Dorkwad Boss, DID get what he wanted. FREEDOM! I wish him well because he was miserable and spread the misery as a coping mechanism, but I'm still jealous.

I just can't work up energy for Chase. I don't hate him. I thought he attempted some slimy legal manuevers, but Midwestern judges just didn't take the bait. I was afraid that innocent residents would be forced out on the street due to his antics, but in the end, none of them took the bait either. I shouldn't have worried, after all this isn't California.

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