It is the Steve Forbes/Blair Hull/Dave Ran$burg type of campaign. You know, "I-have-more-money-than-God-or-any-of-my-opponents-so-I'm-gonna-remind-you-early-and-often-of-my-wealthy-and-superior-existence." Gidwitz might want to look up the results of the Forbes/Hull/Ran$burg elections. No one likes a show off.
Every week I receive an oversized, glossy, non-recyclable postcard from Gidwitz informing me of his ever so original ideas regarding government. Better education. Less taxes. Less crime. Eliminate corruption. Golly. Polly wants to know why no other candidate has come up with these answers.
Gidwitz has now begun running attack ads against Judy Baar Topinka. Gleefully breaking the Ronald Regan commandment"Thou shall not speak ill of another Republicans" Gidwitz's attack ads are an obvious ploy designed to make Republican front runner Topinka expend her financial resources early.
Ron, save the attack ads for Blago. There's plenty of ammo and you won't do damage to your own party, Dorkwad.
agreed it's a little early for attack ads, but someone needs to challenge chain-smoking topinka. as much as everyone hates rod, judy was awfully close to the repub-Ryan stench of the late 90s...
I disagree. Topinka was the only Repub left standing after the Republican slaughter caused by Ryan, and her re-election was far from close. Nonetheless, attack ads against someone in your own party is bad form, period. It just gives the whole party a black eye. Gidwitz would have been more likely to have won my support if he would have stuck to attacking Blago. I want to know how well the chosen Republican candidate will fare against the incumbinent.
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