If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Saturday, February 18

Just a "few" extreme religious fanatics?

Another day, another riot, and more people die over an anti-Muslim CARTOON. Is anyone else getting the feeling that the war we are fighting is against more than just a few deranged, radically religious extremists/terrorists? I very much doubt that all those protesting and rioting around the globe are members of Al Qaida. Clearly, the terrorism threat we face isn't just from a few religious zelots, and it isn't just America they despise. It is the WEST.

The attacks on 9/11 were not about Israel, oil, or the first Gulf War. I don't think the hi-jackers hated us because this is a country of Christians, or because of our wealth, or our morally filthy society. Puhleeze. I remember reading reports that the 9/11 hi-jackers spent their last days at strip clubs. Guess they couldn't wait for the virgins.

No, these people hate us because we aren't -for the most part- Muslims. Their specific brand of Muslim, anyway. Didn't the hi-jackers scream "Death to the infidels!" as the planes hit their targets? This brand of Muslim doesn't believe one should freely choose God, Christ, Allah, or Mohammed. It seems they have no problems with religious commitments made under duress, and turning the other cheek is certainly not an option. Nor is religious freedom.

A sobering thought: Recently on PBS, an expert stated the most pro U.S. Muslim country in the middle east is Iran. I'm getting the feeling that there are many, many, many little Muslim boys across the globe growing up on a steady diet of hatred for the West. This isn't a war about economy, democracy, or human rights. For them, this is a religious war. Muslim vs. The Christians/The West/The Infidels.

After watching footage of the riots, I don't hold much hope that anyone will be able to persuade these folks to live and let live. We will not be able to eliminate them-this type of Muslim is sizable in number, spread across many different countries, has the support of many governments, and is remarkably willing to die for their cause.

How can either side win this war? The West isn't -for the most part- ever going to claim Mohammed as their prophet. This type of Muslim will never agree to disagree. How will we ever be able to claim victory, bring our troops home, and sleep well at night?


Anonymous said...

How can either side win this war?

Have no fear, Karen Hughes is on the case.

BTW, Osama bin Forgotten's stated "issue" with the U.S. was the military bases on Saudi Arabian soil. This latest madness is something else. It's obviously being fanned by anti-American clerics and others. That anti-American sentiment wasn't helped much by the unnecessary invasion and occupation of a Muslim country by a western coalition.

Anonymous said...

Chase: not a bad idea, but extreme- where do you drop the bomb?

Mahkno said...

There are several movements afoot in the middle east.

1) Eastern culture vs Western culture
2) Sunni vs Shia
3) Repressive regimes vs Islamic revolutionaries
4) Israel vs Palestinians
5) Tribalists vs Nationalists
6) Modernists vs Anti-modernists
7) Secularism vs Theocracy
8) Ethnic group movements (kurds, armenians, turks, etc..)
9) Lingering fascist and marxist movements
10) Persians vs Arabs vs Turks vs everyone.
11) Fundamentalists vs 'moderates'
12) Organized crime vs Law n Order
13) Oil interests vs non Oil interests

Is it any wonder the middle east is a mess. I would agree that Iran is one of the most 'western' of those nations. Lebanon would probably be more western. The 'most' western Iran has thriving fundamentalist groups. The U.S. is the um.. most like the U.S. and we too have a thriving fundamentalist groups. Both of which strive for supremacy in politics. Granted our fundies aren't blowing things up for the most part. But our fundies are on the team with the upper hand. Our fundies feel must less aggrieved than theirs.

Anonymous said...

Sure, but you could make a list that looks just as contentious for someplace like, I dunno, Louisiana. No bombs there, though.

And come on, Mahnko, "our fundies are on the team with the upper hand"?

Are you actually suggesting:

1. The GOP is fanatical, and

3. The left is without fanatics?

Anonymous said...

Snark - sounds like YOU are the first one to throw out the idea of right-wing fanatics. And - hmmm - Oklahoma City comes to mind. And abortion clinic bombings, and gay murders, and ... I'm just sayin...

pollypeoria said...

Timothy McVeigh was not GOP or even right/conservative. After the military dissed him, he became anti-government across the board. I don't believe most white supremisits or Ruby Ridge types identify themselves with the Republican Party. Some pro-lifers are Republican, but there are plenty in the Democratic Party as well (many Catholics are Democrats). Someone who bombs an abortion clinic is not acting on behalf of either political party, as their actions are not political in nature. Gay murders? Are you kidding me?! The GOP has never advocated murder (unless you count the death penalty). Really Anon, your need to go to extremes revels a rather large shoulder chip, me thinks. Are we to think that you wear Birkenstocks with socks, that you never shave your legs or arm pits (if you're female, that is), that you chain yourself to trees in forests, only eat alpha sprouts, only wear hemp, throw fake blood at people wearing fur, spend your time fighting to legalize pot, etc., etc., etc. And even if this IS an accurate description of you, how would that be an accurate portrayal of the Democratic Party? Of course, if you're a Southern Democrat, than obviously you are a big, fat racist.

I'm just sayin...

Anonymous said...

Breaking news! The GOP does not advocate murder. Will someone please get that word to Pat Robertson and Ann Coulter immediately!

Anonymous said...

This should make us all so proud:


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