If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Wednesday, February 1

This just in from Peoria Republican Headquarters....

We are going to lose. Seriously. I just came back from an unveiling of the great Republican State Plan for victory. It sucks.

The Great Plan? Genius! I don't know why anyone thought of it before! Telemarketing. Ohh... Ah... Wow... Yup. These folks are under the impression that mass telemarketing was responsible for George W's victory in Ohio in the last presidential election.

Er, no. George W. took Ohio because there was an anti-gay marriage measure on the ballot and threatened heterosexuals turned out in force (Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Socialists, Commies alike...) to vote to "preserve the institution of marriage." With a divorce rate over 50%, it would seem the biggest threat to marriage is heterosexuals, but I digress.

Democrats can relax. No one mentioned putting a marriage amendment on the ballot. A petition was circulating around my church last week, but at least officially, Republican H.Q. isn't the force behind it.

The telemarketing plan looks to identify Republicans as "Hard Rs" -which I gather is an anti-gay, anti-abortion, gun toting, pro-tax cut Republican, or "Soft Rs" who might be wishy washy on abortion but definitely hates taxes, or an Independent who likes something on the Republican agenda but doesn't care for it as a whole. If a victory is to happen, Independents will have to cross to the Republican side.

I didn't see anyone sign up to make calls. Even if they were willing to pay folks to make calls, I don't see many folks answering them. Don't Republican Big Wigs know about caller I.D.? Do they really think people are going to stop watching an episode of Judy Judy or a Ronco infomercial for a solicitation call? Duh!

Individual Republican candidates had better be strong, organized, and well funded, because The Party -at the State level anyway- isn't going to be much help.


Cal Skinner said...

I was trying to remember the last time the McHenry County GOP made phone calls. It was certainly in the 1980's, maybe early 80's.

Interesting that the GOP can't figure out that the marriage amendment advisory referendum would bring more of their natural constituency to the polls.

Anonymous said...

The GOP is cutting its own throat by scaring voters into thinking marriage is in danger from homosexuals.

Young people are growing up completely unconcerned about what two guys do in their bedroom.

Bigotry against homosexuals is starting to be considered as uncouth and ignorant as bigotry against blacks and Jews. Not that there aren't too many people who suffer from that malady as well.

pollypeoria said...

Long term, I think you are correct, Mr. Dennis. In the short term, well, have you been introduced to our President?

I think the anti-gay marriage amendments are driven by older generations.... one last great push to cling to power and against change.

I won't lie and say that I'm completely comfortable with gays being allowed to marry. I'll admit that I can't think of a logical reason against it.

If it were just a matter of beautiful "lipstick lesibans" wanting to marry, very few would have a problem with it... as long as they could watch.

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