If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Friday, August 25

Lolly's Got It Right

Someone tell me. If it is okay for insurance companies to profile in order to secure profits, why can't airlines profile in order to save lives? A teenage boy pays more for car insurance than a forty something, married soccer mom. Such rates are based on statistics, not personal habits. Well, until you get into an accident or receive a speeding ticket, that is.

Muslim radicals must be laughing at us. They can count on political correctness and pathetic naive policies to assist them in carrying out their terrorism plots against us. I thought assisted suicide was illegal in this country.

I'm not Muslim or from the Middle East. Nonetheless, if (female) airport security wants to do a body cavity check or even a pelvic exam before my next flight, I will endure it. After all, it would be less invasive than being blown to bits over the Atlantic Ocean.

Instead of calling it "The War on Terror" it should be named "The War to Continue and Embrace American Stupidity."


Anonymous said...

So, let's say we buy in to "profiling". How is Polly going to distinguish the people who should be scrutinized?

Mahkno said...

Well, then they better start pulling aside every tall anglo saxon ex marine and soldier. Remember Oklahoma.

Pammy said...

Mahkno, it's not my intention to argue with you. You're entitled to your opinion...same as me, even though I'll admit I'm just not very smart when it comes to world politics. I think this is more a matter of common sense than intelligence, anyway.

The thing is, if you look back at every, single act of terrorism that's ever happened in the last...oh...50 years or so, yes...I'm sure you'd find a few terrorists of every ethnicity, every religion, every socio-economic background.

But this is now. What we're dealing with now are predominately Middle-Eastern Muslims. Aside from Oklahoma, nearly all of the current acts of terrorism that have been perpetrated against the US have been funded, planned and/or carried out by by Middle-Eastern Muslims.

And yes...a few could slip through the cracks if they don't meet the profiling criteria. Call me crazy, but a "few" is a loooong way from a "lot". If profiling saves just one plane load of innocent people, then in my opinion it's worth insulting the sensibilities of a few Muslims.

I'm sorry if that makes me a racist. I really am. I really hate it that this whole situation has caused me to feel this way. But I believe that we need to start calling a spade a spade. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are good it IS a duck. It is what it is.

With the security of the US at stake...our very lives being threatened...the last damn thing we should be doing is worrying about being "politically correct".

(Btw, really glad to see you back at it, Polly.)

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with this:

A Police Office pulling a Black Man over just because he is Black, is a clear case of bad judgement and is biased profiling. Pulling a Middle East Man over to the side in an Airport because he has just bought a one way ticket in cash and seems a bit nervous, is NOT racial profiling. And is good judgement. We need to compare the difference between the needs of the many, (innocent people on a plane) and the needs of one. The Middle Eastern guy who lives in Pakistan. Forget Political Correctness. Profile away I say! (Sounds like I should put that on my T-shirt next time I travel)

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