If your mind is too open, your brain will fall out. Warning: Names, identities, descriptions, and pictures have been changed and/or used to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. PollyPeoria should not be used or quoted as a source for your senior college thesis.

Wednesday, June 6

Try This One At Work Tomorrow

I dare you. Go into work tomorrow and inform your boss that you will only showing up to the office twice a month.

After that, inform him or her that s/he will have to limit all criticisms, critiques, concerns to five minutes or less and only after s/he gives apt notice and fills in a card.

See if that doesn't get your ass fired.

Maybe the Peoria City Council doesn't realize who they work for.

I realize most members of the Council have day jobs, but they knew the workload and schedule before running. Cutting Council Meetings to twice a month makes local government less accessible, which is unforgivable. Accessibility has been City Council's best attribute. Unless subpoenaed to testify before a Senate Committee, it's pretty damn difficult for an average Joe to get the floor and the undivided attention of their elected officials. I know that Council meetings often run long. I know some citizens are poorly informed and are horrid public speakers. Then again, so are some council members. Citizens (a.k.a. employers) have the right to grandstand if they want to. Public servants (a.k.a. employees) don't.

My guess? Someone's day job (travel schedule) and/or wife, is making Council duties difficult.


Anonymous said...

hmmm . . . which two councilpersons could you be hinting to with you final comment?

Anonymous said...

Manning doesn't travel. Must be Ardis.

Anonymous said...

but Manning does have a wife who isn't enamored about his public services and she looks like she'd kick most anyones butt, let alone Mannings. Bet she was thrilled when he was beaten up with his kids along for the ride in the hood.

Travel would be Turner, maybe Ardis with his new gig but I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

I did not know Manning's wife wasn't thrilled with his moonlighting on The Council. After the assault it wouldn't be surprising. Is your information solid?

Anonymous said...

Don't put too much credence in the above statements about Mannings' wife not being happy with his council job; don't jab unless you can punch!

pollypeoria said...

Thanks Bob, that's what I thought. Hope you are feeling better.

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